‘Action Against Worms’ Uganda Report Published Online

May 27, 2010 {REL[79][news_related_project]Z5xagv97REL}

‘Action Against Worms’ began in October 2009, and concluded recently with a celebratory festival, where schoolchildren from the Busia district of Uganda shared their performances with hundreds of other young people, community members, politicians and local dignitaries.  Over the past eight months directors Jeff Teare and Rebecca Gould have worked with children, teachers and Community Based Organisation (CBO) representatives, sharing ideas and techniques for using drama to communicate important public health messages. 

Having had time to reflect on the project, the process and the excellent pieces of work developed by the students, Jeff and Rebecca have compiled a report that outlines their experiences, the high points and challenges, and looks to some recommendations for future work.  A full copy of the report is available to download here.

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