Theatrescience in Uganda

April 13, 2010 {REL[69][news_related_project]vhOO7hSQREL}

The ‘Acting Against Worms’ Bilharzia Drama Festival took place in the Busia District of Uganda on the 10th of April 2010. Five schools performed pieces about Bilharzia prevention to an audience of 300+ including many local dignitaries and politicians.

Theatrescience (Rebecca and Jeff) worked with the schools, and the local drama team, to develop their performances and stage-manage the Festival. Response was great and Ugandan Health Officials say they want to see more of the same. Photos, Video and a Report will follow.

Rebecca and Jeff also visited a Kampala HIV Support Group with a view to developing a new project in the country. We’ll be posting contact details soon, meanwhile a pic is attached.

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Posted by Theatrescience
April 23, 2010


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