‘50/50’ by Alison Falconer

Commissioned under the Not My Fault project, Alison’s play is concerned with Huntington’s disease and genetic counseling. This play is being developed with the help of Dr Peter Turnpenny and Vicky Hunt of the Clinical Genetics Department of the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital.
Alison Falconer: Biography
Alison Falconer worked in journalism before writing for theatre and has an MA in Creative Writing from the University of East Anglia. Her first play, ‘Sweet Sixteen’, was produced at the John Clare Theatre in Peterborough. Other plays include ‘The Three Lives of Anna Thomasian’ (Norwich Puppet Theatre, funded by Arts Council England); ‘Gerald’ (a community commission); and ‘Prosperoty Three’ (Script in hand at Cambridge Hotbed Festival and still potentially under development.) Alison is currently being supported by the Arts Council’s Escalator programme and is also under commission with BBC Radio 7 for ‘Man In Black’.
Current Projects
- The Vaidya’s Oath
- Theatrescience on TEDx
- Moving Stories - Moving On
- Moving Stories - Moving On
- Bulgakov Moments
- Theatrescience 2002-2012
- Article on Jeff Teare’s new Lysistrata in The Hindu
- Not My Fault
- ‘State of Nature’ by Simon Turley
- ‘Extremely Brief and Violent’ by Selma Dimitrijevic
- ‘50/50’ by Alison Falconer
- Young Writers at Eden
- Darwin In India
Current Projects
- ‘Bad Blood Blues’ performed at the Museum of Life in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- Something Somatic
- NCBS Residency and Plays
- ‘Telling Stories’ Wellcome Trust International Public Engagement Workshop
- Theatrescience in Uganda
- India in London
- Imaginging the Future India
- The Theatre of Science at Theatre Royal Plymouth