Theatrescience in Uganda

Rebecca Gould and Jeff Teare started work in Uganda on ‘Acting Against Worms’ in October 2009. The project is being run by the Schistosomiasis Control Initiative and is an educative drama project with primary schools in the Busia district of East Uganda, giving children, teachers and community workers the skills to use drama to share important public health messages.
An inset session with a local drama team and teachers was held in October, then workshops took place in nine schools with pupils, teachers and drama practitioners to initiate a process of the pupils developing their own short pieces of drama about the prevention and treatment of Bilharzia.
These shows were presented at a Festival in April 2010 and performed to school and community audiences. The whole project is being extensively evaluated with a view to a wider roll-out in Uganda in the future.
Project News
April 13, 2010

The ‘Acting Against Worms’ Bilharzia Drama Festival took place in the Busia District of Uganda on the 10th of April 2010. Five schools performed pieces about Bilharzia prevention to an audience of 300+ including many local dignitaries and politicians.
Read more...November 02, 2009

The start of the ‘Acting Against Worms’ project. Jeff and Rebecca were in the Busia area of Uganda in late October beginning the Schistosomiasis Control Initiative schools drama project about Bilharzia.
Read more...Project Podcasts
March 10, 2010
Bilharzia is a disease caused by worms which live in fresh water throughout regions of sub-Saharan Africa. Daily activities expose people to infection, which over time can lead to the characteristic swollen bellies and even death if left untreated. Rebecca Gould and Jeff Teare started work in Uganda on 'Acting Against Worms' in October 2009. This is being run by the Schistosomiasis Control Initiative and is an educative drama project with primary schools in the Busia district of East Uganda.Project Videos
‘Acting Against Worms’ Drama Festival in Busia, Uganda 2010.
Project Reports
SCI (Imperial College) Evaluation of ‘Acting Against Worms’, Busia, Uganda 2009-10.
This six-page evaluation report provides an overview of ‘Action Against Worms’ Uganda from Theatrescience’s perspective.
Current Projects
- The Vaidya’s Oath
- Theatrescience on TEDx
- Moving Stories - Moving On
- Moving Stories - Moving On
- Bulgakov Moments
- Theatrescience 2002-2012
- Article on Jeff Teare’s new Lysistrata in The Hindu
- Not My Fault
- ‘State of Nature’ by Simon Turley
- ‘Extremely Brief and Violent’ by Selma Dimitrijevic
- ‘50/50’ by Alison Falconer
- Young Writers at Eden
- Darwin In India
Current Projects
- ‘Bad Blood Blues’ performed at the Museum of Life in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- Something Somatic
- NCBS Residency and Plays
- ‘Telling Stories’ Wellcome Trust International Public Engagement Workshop
- Theatrescience in Uganda
- India in London
- Imaginging the Future India
- The Theatre of Science at Theatre Royal Plymouth